- Code for Japan Summit 2024, Kusatsu, Japan
- COSCUP 2023, Taipei, Taiwan
- COSCUP 2022, Taipei, Taiwan
- Cambodia ICT Camp 2022, Siem Reap, Cambodia (remote)
- COSCUP 2020, Taipei, Taiwan (remote)
- Cambodia ICT Camp 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia
- g0v.summit 2018, Taipei, Taiwan
- SOSCON 2018, Chongqing, China
- MOPCON 2015, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- HKOSCon 2015, Hong Kong
- SITCON 2015, Taipei, Taiwan
- COSCUP 2014, Taipei, Taiwan
- PyCON APAC 2014, Taipei, Taiwan
- SITCON 2014, Taipei, Taiwan
- SITCON 2013, Taipei, Taiwan
- Me and the Purgatory of Plurk API
- DRAPAC 2024, Taipei, Taiwan
- How does the government use our personal data? Challenges in freedom of information, litigation, and legislation panelist
- APrIGF 2024, Taipei, Taiwan
- Is Asia-Pacific Ready for AI? Balancing Innovation, Ethical Governance, and Marginalized Needs panelist
Invited Talks
- SITCON Camp 2024 (Hsinchu, Taiwan)
- 6th Cambodia ICT Forum (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
- Session: Imagining Voices: How Internet Governance Affect Your Browsing Experience and Why It Matters
- Department of Land Economics, National Chengchi University
- Seminar: Homebrew GIS Analysis through Open Data & API (2020)
- Department of Computer Science, Tunghai University (Taichung, Taiwan)
- Seminar: Codeweaver and the Talent-welders in the Era of Technology (2016)
- ITAC @ Yuan Ze University (Taoyuan, Taiwan)
- HackNTU (Taipei, Taiwan)
- Department of Computer Science, National Dong-Hua University (Hualien, Taiwan)
Lightning Talks
- Hackath49n (Tainan, Taiwan)
- Hackathon 2019 (New York, NY, USA)
- g0v.summit 2018 (Taipei, Taiwan)
- g0v.summit 2016 (Taipei, Taiwan)
- COSCUP 2016 (Taipei, Taiwan)
- DSConf 2015 (Taipei, Taiwan)
- MOPCON 2014 (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
- PyCON APAC 2014 (Taipei, Taiwan)
- COSCUP 2013 (Taipei, Taiwan)
Media interviews
- Lee Yuanjhen, Vong Xiumen, 社群媒體平台 vs. 人民 — 隱私權、言論自由如何受到影響 [Social Media Platform vs. The People—How Privacy and Freedom of Speech are Affected?], 有料無料共下坐尞, Radio Taiwan Intl. (Jan. 8, 2024).
- Huang Yumei, Lee Yuanjhen, 數位施政專才姜柏任 [Digital Governance Talent Poren Chiang], 儕儕愛後生, HakkaRadio (Aug. 14, 2022).
- Lin Kuanting, 台大教訓血淋淋 證明「電子投票」不可行? [Does NTU’s Painful Lesson Prove E-Voting Infeasible?], CommonWealth Mag. (Dec. 18, 2019).
- Wang Liheng, [學生計算機年會直擊]左手六法,右手Python,臺大開源社社長姜柏任力推校園開源 [Live from SITCON: Statutes on the Left Hand, Python on the Right Hand, NTUOSC Organizer Poren Chiang Promotes Open Source on Campus], iThome (Mar. 12, 2015).